Pousada Aconchego is located in Praia Bela, in Pitimbu. We are approximately 50 km of Joao Pessoa and Castro Pinto airport. The 9 km of Tambaba, the first naturist beach in the northeast and considered one of the most beautiful in Brazil.
The 12 km National Cement Factory (Pitimbu-PB)
The 24 km CSN Cimentos Factory (Caaporã-PB)
The 13 km Fábrica Elisabeth Cimentos (Alhandra-PB)
The 14 km from the town of Pitimbu.
The 40 km of Goiana (Pernambuco)
Street Manatee, 216 – Praia Bela-Pitimbu-Paraiba (PB) –
Headphones: 83 9.9992.3879 (Tim) | 83 9.9307.6565 (Clear)